King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow DOS front cover
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    King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

    The game takes place almost entirely in a fictional kingdom called the Land of the Green Isles. The kingdom comprises several islands, and is described as being largely isolated from the outside world. The player can travel between different islands after obtaining a magic map.

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    King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow is the sixth installment in the King’s Quest series of adventure games produced by Sierra On-Line. King’s Quest VI is a 2D graphic adventure game with a point-and-click interface. The player is given an icon-based toolbar at the top of the screen of selectable functions: walk, look (provides a description from the narrator of the object targeted), action and talk, respectively. It also includes the item inventory (the last selected item can be picked right away) and a game options menu. Play King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow online!

    King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow game description

    For months Prince Alexander of Daventry has shut himself away from the world, thinking only of Princess Cassima, who he met while imprisoned in the previous game. Eventually he can take it no longer, and he hires a ship to search for the Land of the Green Isles located on the edge of the world. After months of searching he finally sets sight upon the island kingdom, only for a freak storm to strike the ship, destroying it and leaving him the only survivor. His troubles are far from over, however, as he soon finds out that the King and Queen have passed away, the Greens Isles are on the brink of war, and his beloved Princess Cassima may even be held prisoner by the royal vizier.

    Like its predecessors in the series, King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow is a third-person puzzle-solving adventure game. For Alexander to save the Isles, he must travel between the Land’s four magical islands, each based on myth and fables, and encounter people and strange beasts that will either help or hinder him. Alexander must be careful as well, because, as with all the King’s Quest games, poor choices or missteps will often prove fatal for the Prince. Puzzles are solved linearly, although late in the game there are two completely different paths to take to reach the final confrontation. Like the previous game, actions are performed using a point-and-click interface with icons that represent verbs (“walk”, “examine”, “use”, “talk”, etc.).

    Play King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow online

    You can play King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow online here, in web browser for free!

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