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All classic games developed by MECC
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- Publisher
- All
- 21st Century Entertainment Ltd.
- 3D Realms Entertainment, Inc.
- 3DO Company, The
- 3DO Studio
- 7th Level, Inc.
- Abersoft Limited
- Absolute Entertainment
- Access Software, Inc.
- Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.
- Accolade, Inc.
- Acer
- Acord Games
- Activision (UK) Limited
- Activision Publishing, Inc.
- Activision, Inc.
- Addison-Wesley Publishing
- Advanced Computer Products
- Advanced Systems
- Adventuresoft Ltd.
- Aegis Development, Inc.
- Albisoft
- Alternative [R&R]
- Alternative Software Ltd.
- American Sammy Corporation
- American Technos Inc.
- American Treco Corporation
- Amtex
- Anco Software Ltd.
- Apogee Software, Ltd.
- Aproman
- Arcadia Systems, Inc.
- Arcanum Computing
- ariolasoft GmbH
- Artificial Intelligence Design
- ASC Games
- Asciiware
- Ascon GmbH
- Asmik Ace Entertainment
- Asmik Corp. of America
- Atari Corporation
- Atari Games Corporation
- Atari, Inc.
- Atlus Software Inc.
- Audiogenic Software Ltd.
- Avalanche Games
- Azeroth, Inc.
- B&N Companies, Inc.
- Back Alley Publishing
- Bandai America
- Banjo Software
- Bank Austria AG
- Beaucomm Interactive
- Bethesda Softworks LLC
- Binary Zoo Software, Inc.
- Black Legend Ltd.
- Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
- Bloodlust Software
- Blue Byte Software GmbH
- Blue Byte Software, Inc.
- Blue Byte Studio GmbH
- BMG Interactive Entertainment
- BMM GmbH
- Boeder Software GmbH
- Bomico Entertainment Software GmbH
- Box Office, Inc.
- Brainchild Design
- Bridgestone Multimedia Group
- Brøderbund Software, Inc.
- Buena Vista Software
- Bullet-Proof Software
- Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kultur
- Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
- Bytro Labs
- Caldera
- California Dreams
- Camerica Limited Inc.
- Campina
- Capcom Co., Ltd.
- Capcom Entertainment, Inc.
- Capcom U.S.A., Inc.
- Capstone Software
- Capstone Solutions
- CDV Software GmbH
- Celebrity Software International Ltd.
- Celery Software
- Celestial Software
- Channel 7
- Cia do Software
- Cinemaware Corporation
- Cineplay Interactive, Inc.
- Codemasters Software Company Limited, The
- Coktel Vision
- Coleco Industries
- Color Dreams, Inc.
- Command Simulations
- COMPUTE! Publications, Inc.
- Computec Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
- Computer & Entertainment Inc.
- ComputerEasy
- Copysoft
- Core Design Ltd.
- Crack dot Com
- Creative Dimensions
- Crystal Dynamics, Inc.
- CrystalVision Brand Software
- Cyber Geist
- Cyberdreams, Inc.
- Cyberstyle
- Cygnus Multimedia Productions, Inc.
- D. C. True, Ltd.
- Data East Corporation
- Data East USA, Inc.
- David Havlíčk
- Davidson & Associates, Inc.
- Decision Development Corp.
- Diaksor
- Digital Dreams Multimedia
- Digital Extremes, Inc.
- Digital Horizons
- Digital Integration Ltd.
- DigiTek Software
- Dinamic Multimedia, S.A.
- Dinamic Software
- Disney Interactive Studios
- Dodekaedron Software Creations, Inc.
- Dodgy Posse
- Doka
- Domark Limited
- Domark Software Ltd.
- Domark Software, Inc.
- Dong Sung
- Dongleware Verlags GmbH
- Dorado Games
- Draconian
- DreamWorks
- Dynabyte
- Dynafield Systems International
- Dynalogic/298
- Dynamix, Inc.
- Dynasty
- EA*Kids
- Eclipse Software Design
- Eidos Interactive Limited
- Eidos, Inc.
- Electro Brain Corp.
- Electronic Arts Ltd.
- Electronic Arts, Inc.
- Electronic Zoo
- Elite Systems Ltd.
- Empire Interactive Entertainment
- Empire Interactive, Inc.
- Empire Software
- Enix America Corporation
- Enix Corporation
- Enypsox enr.
- Epic Games, Inc.
- Epic MegaGames, Inc.
- Epyx, Inc.
- ErrorFree
- European Electronic Zoo Ltd.
- Europress Software Ltd.
- Everlasting Software
- Expert Software, Inc.
- Findus
- Firebird Software
- First Byte
- First Step
- Flair Software Ltd.
- Flying Edge
- Ford Motor Company
- Forgotten Sages
- FormGen, Inc.
- Free Lunch Design AB
- Freeware
- Froggman
- Front Street Publishing
- FTL Games
- Fusion software
- Futura
- Future Games s.r.o.
- Gaijin Entertainment Corporation
- Gainax Co., Ltd.
- Game Arts Co., Ltd.
- Game Crafters
- Gameland
- GameOne
- Gamestar, Inc.
- GameTek, Inc.
- Gamos Ltd.
- Gavaking Co.
- General Admission Software
- German Design Group
- Global Software
- Golden Zone
- GOTO Software
- Grandslam Video Ltd.
- Gray Design Associates
- Gremlin Graphics Software Limited
- Gremlin Interactive Limited
- Gremlin Ireland
- Greygum Software
- GT Interactive Software Corp.
- GTE Entertainment
- Guildhall Leisure Services Ltd.
- Guildsoft
- HAL America Inc.
- HAMCO Software
- Harrow Software Pty Ltd
- Hasbro Interactive
- Hewson Consultants Ltd.
- Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.
- High Score Entertainment
- Hit Squad, The
- Hitrack
- Hollyware Entertainment
- Homebrew Software
- Hudson Soft Company, Ltd.
- Hudson Soft USA
- Humongous Entertainment, Inc.
- Hungry Software
- Hypothermia
- I•Motion, Inc.
- ICOM Simulations
- id Software
- id Software, Inc.
- Ikarion Software GmbH
- Illusion Softworks
- Illusion Softworks, a.s.
- Image Works
- Imagic
- Imagineer Co.
- Imagitec Design Inc.
- Immortality Production
- Imperia Online JSC
- Impressions
- Impressions Games
- Inc.
- InFluid Software
- Infocom, Inc.
- Infogrames Europe SA
- Infogrames Multimedia SA
- Infogrames, Inc.
- INIT Joint Venture
- Inline Design
- Inner Workings
- Innerprise Software, Inc.
- IntelliCreations, Inc.
- Inter-Active Arts
- Interactive Computer Entertainment Inc.
- Interactive Magic, Inc.
- Interactivision A/S
- International Computer Entertainment Ltd.
- Interplay Entertainment Corp.
- Interplay Productions, Inc.
- Interstel Corporation
- IntraCorp, Inc.
- Irem America Corp.
- Irem Corp.
- Iridon Interactive AB
- Isis Software
- ITE Media ApS (Interactive Television Entertainment)
- Jaleco USA, Inc.
- JRC Interactive
- JVC Musical Industries, Inc.
- K-D Lab
- Kalisto
- Kaneko USA
- Kemco U.S.A., Inc.
- Kemco/Seika
- Keypunch Software, Inc.
- Kingsoft GmbH
- knepe inc.
- KOEI Co., Ltd.
- KOEI Corporation
- Kompart UK, Ltd.
- Konami (America), Inc.
- Konami Corporation
- Konami Industry Co. Ltd.
- Konami of America, Inc.
- Konami, Inc.
- Korea Media Link
- Krisalis Software Ltd.
- L.K. Avalon
- Lankhor
- Lawrence Productions, Inc.
- Learning Co., The
- Legend Entertainment Company
- Leisure Genius
- Level Infinity
- Lifetimes
- LIVE Studios, Inc.
- LJN, Ltd.
- Llamasoft Ltd.
- Logic Factory, Inc., The
- Loriciel SA
- Loriciels
- Ltd
- LucasArts
- LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC
- LucasArts, U.S. Gold Ltd.
- Lucasfilm Games LLC
- Machination
- Magic Bytes
- Magicom Multimedia Corp.
- Magnetic Images
- Mago Ediciones SL
- Makh-Shevet Ltd.
- Mallard Software Inc.
- Manaccom Pty Ltd.
- Mandarin Software
- Mastertronic Ltd.
- Mastertronic, Inc.
- Max Design GesMBH
- Maxis Software Inc.
- Mayfair Games
- Medalist International
- Megadream Software
- MegaTech Software
- Melbourne House
- Meldac of America Inc.
- Merit Software
- Merit Studios (Europe) Limited
- Merit Studios, Inc.
- Micro League
- Microdaft
- Microforum International
- Microïds
- MicroIllusions
- Microleague Interactive Software
- MicroLeague Multimedia, Inc.
- MicroMedia Publishers, Inc.
- Microplay Software
- MicroProse Ltd.
- MicroProse Software, Inc.
- Microsoft Corporation
- MicroStyle
- MicroValue, Ltd
- Midway Games, Inc.
- Millennium Interactive Ltd.
- Millennium Media Group
- Mindcraft Software, Inc.
- Mindscape International GmbH
- Mindscape International Ltd.
- Mindscape, Inc.
- MindStorm Software
- Mirage Software
- Mirage Technologies (Multimedia) Ltd.
- Mirrorsoft Ltd.
- Monarch Development
- Monkey Business, Inc.
- Moonlite Software
- MVP Software
- Namco Hometek Inc.
- Namco Limited
- Napoleon Games
- Natsume, Inc.
- Negative
- Nestlé Deutschland AG
- Neurotech Software
- New Line Productions
- New World Computing, Inc.
- Nichibutsu
- Nikita Ltd.
- Nintendo Co.
- Nintendo of America Inc.
- Noch Software
- Nova Spring
- NovaLogic, Inc.
- Novell
- Ocean of America, Inc.
- Ocean Software Ltd.
- One Reality
- Opera Soft S.A.
- Optik Software, Inc.
- Optyk
- Orangesoft
- ORIGIN Systems, Inc.
- ORT Software
- Overflow Productions
- PabaGames
- Pack Media Company, Inc.
- Paladin Systems North
- Panasonic Interactive Media
- Panda Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.
- Pantech Corporation
- Papyrus Publishing, Inc.
- Paragon Software Corporation
- Parker Brothers
- Per Holst Film A/S
- Personal Software Inc.
- Personal Software Services
- Phantagram Co., Ltd.
- Philips Interactive Media, Inc.
- Phoenix Arts
- Pixel Painters Corporation
- Play Byte
- Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Inc.
- PLBM Games
- Positive
- Prestige Softwareentwicklung GmbH
- Pro One Software
- Proein S.L.
- Protonic Interactive
- Psyclapse
- Psygnosis Limited
- QASoft
- Quantum Quality Productions
- Quicksilver Software, Inc.
- Rage Software Ltd.
- Rainbird Software
- Rainbow Arts Software GmbH
- Rainbow Arts, Inc.
- Ralston-Purina
- Rasputin Software
- ReadySoft Incorporated
- Realism Entertainment
- Reality Studios
- Rebelsoft
- Renegade Software
- Renovation Products, Inc.
- RetroSpec
- Riki Computer Games
- Riki Computer Software
- Robinson Technologies
- Rockstar Games, Inc.
- Roebuck and Co.
- Run Productions
- Runt time
- Safari Software Ltd.
- Sage's Creation
- Sales Curve Ltd., The
- Samourai
- Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Sanctuary Software Studio, Inc.
- Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Corporation
- Scavenger, Inc.
- SCi Games Ltd.
- Screen 7 Ltd.
- Sculptured Software, Inc.
- SEGA Enterprises Ltd.
- SEGA Enterprises, Inc.
- SEGA Europe Ltd.
- SEGA of America, Inc.
- Seika Corporation
- Seismic Software Inc.
- Serendipity Software
- ShareData, Inc.
- Sherston Software Ltd.
- Sidewalk Software
- Sierra On-Line, Inc.
- Signum
- Silmarils
- Simon & Schuster Interactive
- Simulmondo
- Sir-tech Software, Inc.
- SKC Soft Land
- Skitso Productions
- Sleepless Software Inc.
- SNK Corporation
- SNK Corporation of America
- SNK Home Entertainment
- SNK of America
- SNK Playmore Corporation
- Soft Town
- Softdisk Publishing
- Softgold Computerspiele GmbH
- SoftKey Multimedia Inc.
- Softry
- Software 2000
- Software Creations
- Software Marketing Corporation
- Software Toolworks, Inc., The
- Soleau Software, Inc.
- Soleil Software
- Sony Electronic Publishing Ltd.
- Sony Imagesoft
- Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.
- Spectrum Pacific Publishing
- Spinnaker Software Corporation
- Spotlight Software
- Square Soft, Inc.
- Square Wheel Studios, Inc.
- SSG Strategic Studies Group Pty Ltd.
- Starbyte Software
- Storm, Tradewest, Inc.
- Strategic Simulations, Inc.
- Strategy First, Inc.
- Studio Pixel
- Subsino
- Sun Corporation of America
- Sun Electronics Corp.
- Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software GmbH
- Superior Software Ltd.
- SuperSet Software Corp.
- Sybex Inc
- System 3 Software Ltd.
- TACTICAL Soft Inc.
- Taff System
- Tahoe Software Productions
- Taito America Corporation
- Taito Corporation
- Taito Software Inc.
- TalonSoft
- Team17 Software Limited
- Technos Japan Corp.
- Technosoft Co., Ltd.
- Tecmo, Inc.
- Telecomsoft (U.S.)
- Telstar Electronic Studios Ltd.
- Tengen Inc.
- Thalion Software GmbH
- The Avalon Hill Game Company
- The Game Factory
- The Gamehouse Team
- The Learning Co.
- The Learning Company, Inc.
- Thinking Machine Associates
- Three-Sixty Pacific, Inc.
- Ticsoft
- Time Warner Interactive Ltd.
- Titus France SA
- Titus Interactive, S.A.
- Titus Ltd.
- Titus Software Corporation
- Toaplan Co.
- Toei Animation Co.
- Tomahawk
- Topo Soft
- TopWare CD-Service AG
- Toyo Recording Co.
- Tradewest, Inc.
- Trecision S.p.A.
- TriSoft
- Tsunami Media, Inc.
- Turner Interactive
- U.S. Gold Ltd.
- U.S. Gold, Inc.
- Ubi Soft Entertainment Software
- Ultra Software Corporation
- Union Logic Software Publishing, Inc.
- United Software Artists
- Uranium Software
- Velocity Inc.
- Viacom New Media
- Vic Tokai, Inc.
- Villa Crespo Software, Inc.
- Virgin Games, Inc.
- Virgin Games, Ltd.
- Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd.
- Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc.
- Virgin Mastertronic International, Inc.
- Virgin Mastertronic Ltd.
- Virtual X-Perience
- Visco Corporation
- Vision Software, Inc.
- Visionaires
- Vochozka Trading
- Walt Disney Computer Software, Inc.
- Warner Interactive Entertainment Ltd.
- WarnerActive
- Webfoot Technologies, Inc.
- Wiering Software
- Williams Entertainment, Inc.
- Windmill Software
- Wisdom Tree, Inc.
- WizardWorks Group, Inc.
- WizardWorks Software
- x:treme entertainment international
- Xordanbhorgh, Inc.
- XSIV Games
- Xtreme Games LLC
- Yeonwoo Soft
- Zeppelin Games Limited
- Zigurat Software S.L.
- ZIMA software
- Zonarware
- Genre
- All
- 4X
- Action RPG
- Adult
- Africa
- Amusement park
- Ancient Egypt
- Anime / Manga
- Arcade
- Artillery
- Asia
- Automobile
- Barbarian
- Baseball
- Basketball
- BattleMech
- Beat 'em up / Brawler
- Bible
- Bike / Bicycling
- Board / Party Game
- Boxing
- Business Simulation
- Cancelled
- Cards
- Casino
- Chess
- China (Ancient/Imperial)
- Christmas
- City Building / Construction Simulation
- Classical antiquity
- Cold War
- Comedy
- Comics
- Compilation / Shovelware
- Contemporary
- Cricket
- Crime
- Cyberpunk / Dark Sci-Fi
- D&D / AD&D
- Detective / Mystery
- Dinosaurs
- Dungeon Crawler
- Ecology / Nature
- Egypt
- Europe
- Falling Block Puzzle
- Fantasy
- Fighting
- Fishing
- Flight
- Flight / Aviation
- Football (American)
- Full Motion Video
- Game Show
- Geography
- Golf
- Graphic Adventure
- Graphics / Art
- Greek Mythology
- Hacking
- Haunted House
- Health / Nutrition
- Healthcare
- Helicopter
- Historical Battle (specific/exact)
- History
- Hockey
- Horror
- Horse / Derby
- Hovercraft
- Industrial Age
- Interactive Fiction
- Interactive Fiction with Graphics
- Interwar
- Licensed Title
- Life / Social Simulation
- Managerial
- Martial Arts
- Math / Logic
- Medieval
- Meditative / Zen
- Metroidvania
- Middle East
- Modern world
- Motorcycle
- Music
- Naval
- Naval / Watercraft
- Norse Mythology
- North America
- Off-Road / Monster Truck
- Olympiad
- Paddle / Pong
- Pinball
- Platform
- Pool / Snooker
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Pre-school / Toddler
- Prehistoric
- Puzzle elements
- Puzzle-Solving
- Racing
- Rail Shooter
- Reading / Writing
- Real-Time
- Religion
- Roguelike
- Romance
- RPG Elements
- Rugby
- Sailing / Boating
- Sci-Fi / Futuristic
- Science
- Science fiction
- Sea Pirates / Caribbean
- Shooter
- Skateboarding
- Snowboarding / Skiing
- Soccer / Football (European)
- South America
- Space Flight
- Spy / Espionage
- Stealth
- Steampunk
- Strategy
- Street Racing
- Submarine
- Surfing
- Survival
- Survival Horror
- Tank
- Tennis
- Thriller
- Tile Matching Puzzle
- Timed Input
- Track Racing
- Trade
- Train
- Transport
- Tricks / Stunts
- Turn-based
- Typing
- Vampires
- Vehicle Simulator
- Vehicular Combat Simulator
- Versus Fighting
- Volleyball
- Walt Disney
- War
- Wargame
- Western
- Word Construction
- World War I
- World War II
- Wrestling
- WW2
- Zombies
- Year
- All
- 1977
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1999
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
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